quinta-feira, 25 de julho de 2013

Messages & Channelings from MONTAGUE KEEN - July 21, 2013

Montague Keen
July 21, 2013

There is so much confusion everywhere. It is causing mistrust where none should be. I did warn you that programmes are being run that interfere with mankind's thinking and minds are being manipulated. They are being bombarded by sound technology that your conscious minds are not capable of picking up on. You are in the middle of the biggest battle since time began. Sadly, many of you do not recognise this fact. You believe you are in truth, when in fact, you have gone completely off track. Ego's are massaged and people become as clay in the hands of the manipulators. They become easy prey. Subsequently, it becomes difficult for these people to believe that they could possibly be mistaken and so the Cabal wins yet another soul.

Everyone needs to be on guard. Refuse to be swayed and go into your hearts. There, you will find the absolute truth and this is what you must uphold, whatever it costs you to do so. The Cabal has everything to lose, so it is not surprising that they will use every tool in their vast armoury to try to hold on to control. If they were not losing the battle they would not be so desperate. So, my dear, stick with the truth, no matter what is used to try to sway you from it. You have been shown the outcome. I guide you, my dear, and you have some unswayable people around you. Others may fall by the wayside and this is their choice - they are expressing their free will.

You are seeing the evidence that the world is waking up. Emails are reaching you from countries that you never suspected were awake. The light is winning the battle by following the strategy we laid out for you and sticking with it. Though many are used to try to sway you away from it, we will be successful. Some are unknowingly contaminated, unaware that they are being used by the Dark Forces. So handle them with love and care, for the mind is fragile and can be harmed.

Many will have to leave your planet. They have nowhere to hide when the LIGHT exposes the extent of their corruption. The energy of full light will make it impossible for them to survive on Earth. The human race has suffered and the planet itself has also suffered much destruction. Everywhere there was light, they set out to extinguish it. All the sacred places were violated.

But I say to you, the Light is still there. It is just hidden. It can, and will be, restored. Many methods are used to do this. Only the pure of heart can achieve it. They will be successful. All will be returned to the light.

Be wary when you speak to spirit and ask for guidance. For there are dark spirits impersonating the good spirits. They are leading people astray with false information. Never forget that there is darkness on both sides of life. When I come through a medium, I always give evidence to prove that it is indeed me speaking. Check your sources thoroughly. You owe it to yourselves and to those you advise. When I first went to spirit there were those who charged money for "Monty Keen" to find and bring information on their relatives who had passed to spirit. I never was, nor would I ever be party, to such cruel deception. Even today, my name is used by those who wish to deceive.

It is time to gather in truth and light, to allow your light to penetrate the darkness in order to expose it. Hopefully, many of the dark ones will choose to return to the light where they will be welcomed. Let the light of truth shine brightly from your eyes. Your whole being will become light. Send light and love to those countries which are in strife, and struggle to survive the attacks of the Dark Forces. The wars that are being waged against the innocent are all contrived by those who only want to destroy your planet and cull the population for their own ends. Reach out to those countries and refuse to be used to initiate violence. Mercenaries have sold their souls for gain. The deaths of the innocent are firmly on the shoulders of these heartless people. What you do unto others may one day be done to you. You are always deemed responsible for your actions.

When on the spirit side of life, you look at the Earth as a whole, and you are horrified to see the seeds of mistrust and deception that are being used to attack those you are told are "different". Sometimes, you are told that you must fear muslims. Sometimes it is black people, and sometimes, the Chinese. The list goes on. It is all manipulated by the Cabal to cause bloodshed and fear.

When you are in love and light, you do not see your fellow beings of light as enemies. You see them as VICTIMS of the Cabal, which finds it so easy to sow the seeds of mistrust and fear: they are masters at it. This ploy has always worked for them until now. Do not fall for it again. Because they control almost everything on Earth that you read and see, you know that they can produce another Pearl Harbor whenever they choose, and blame it on whichever race is to be the next victim of their attacks.

Why can't you see that you are being manipulated? Take back control of your minds and see the truth for what it actually is. Stop being the puppets of the Cabal. This is your life experience on Earth, so take control of it and be who you are, not who you are told you are. Step out of the 3-dimensional thinking that has been inflicted on you to keep you in the dark. Embrace the light and share it with all those around you. The light embraces every human being, irrespective of race or creed. It sees no enemies, for it is based on truth. Remove everything that is fear-based from your lives and enjoy the liberation this brings to you. You can do this. It just takes a little time and a little courage to take the first steps. Then you will realise for the first time, just how controlled you were.

Freedom awaits all of you. No more fear and no more conflict. Surely this appeals to all of you, no matter where you are in the world. Reclaim your planet and rejoin your universe. This is your future. You should welcome it with open arms and open hearts.

Together you can do it. So treat the propaganda with the contempt that it deserves. Become awake to it. Become FREE.

I know, my dear, it is very tough at times. Attack, whether physical or verbal, hurts. It is the light that is being attacked; it is not personal. It is instigated by the dark.

I am forever at your side. Your adoring, Monty.

Rebloged from the website Galactic Channelings
Link for the message: http://galacticchannelings.com/english/montague21-07-13%20.html

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