segunda-feira, 5 de agosto de 2013

Message & Channelings from MONTAGUE KEEN - August 4, 2013

Montague Keen
August 4, 2013

There is a battle raging on so many levels. There are unseen forces just out of your range of vision and these are creating much of the confusion which you are experiencing on Earth. The plans that are being pushed forward must be resisted and exposed. Those who understand what is being done have a duty to share their information so that the majority can be awakened and thus prepared for all eventualities. We in spirit will alert you. We are watching what is happening and we find ways and means of drawing attention to what is planned.

The dark age of control is coming to an end and the light will illuminate all that was corrupt. Once exposed, the dark ones can no longer function. Every day, you are learning the truth about what you were forced to accept as truth. This will enable you to see clearly the path ahead. This is a very painful exercise, but it is how it has to be, so that all that was corrupt can be removed. Nothing of the corrupt regime can be accepted. It has all got to go. Then you will start again with a clean slate with everything out in the open, so that humanity can start again, without the parasites. Nothing will be hidden from humanity. No organisations will be allowed to take control so that they can confiscate scientific advancements that would benefit mankind. There will be a return to nature. Man has survived and thrived because he understood that everything he needed would be provided by nature. It is exciting for us to observe how many of you are now rediscovering natural cures for ailments - ailments that are the result of interference with nature. The human body was never designed to cope with such deadly interference. Nature has the answers to all your needs, and thankfully, you are waking up to this fact and you are getting remarkable results. We are grateful to all those good people who are researching and re-evaluating the benefits that nature has provided. Your work is of great importance and will be fully accepted when the timing is right. It is important that you are fully prepared to educate your fellow man on the evidence of your findings.

Most people can now see clearly how the war machine works. They now refuse to be taken in by the propaganda that worked so well in the past. The Cabal is now desperately looking for new excuses to use in order to instigate war. They are being watched and they will be held accountable for their actions by those who are ready to step in and rescue humanity from their clutches. The human race will survive as there are enough beings of pure light on Earth at this time to ensure this.

Do not take anything at face value. Check your facts and decide what to accept as truth after much consideration. Disregard all so-called "news", as it is pure invention by the Cabal and must be seen as such. You will recognise the absolute truth when you have all the facts, so that you can evaluate it for yourselves. Many are overshadowed, so you must be wary of what you accept as truth. Everything is designed by the Cabal to keep you under its control: obedient and subservient to them alone. Money is used for this purpose, as this is all they understand and control. They manipulate everything so that you are totally under their control financially. The whole concept of banking was specially designed for this purpose. It was forced on countries by the Cabal. Through money, they took over the food industry, water, and energy. They contaminate the air you breathe. They believed that their PLAN was foolproof, and they never ever considered for one moment that a time would come when the people would wake up and realise what was being done to them. Now, the people are saying, " No. Not in my name. I refuse to be part of your corrupt plans! "

More proof of the fact that everything is being exposed was brought to your attention yesterday, when AN ENORMOUS PENTAGRAM IN KAZAKHSTAN [visible on Google Earth] was drawn to your attention. On closer examination, you can see THE SEAL OF THE DEVIL 81694BC, LUCIFER, and ADAM. On even closer scrutiny, LISAKOVSK ANNOUNCED A "HUMAN FLESH BARBEQUE".

HOW DO YOU HUMANS FEEL ABOUT THAT ? It is all there, hidden in plain sight. The difference is that now, you are seeing with eyes wide open, what was there all the time, but your eyes were shut to it. You were looking with eyes that only had controlled vision. The veil has been lifted, and now you can see clearly and you are deeply shocked at what you see.

You ask yourselves, "How could you have been so blind to what was going on all this time?" The fact is that you were blind to it, but now you are no longer blind to it. Now, you have to face it, full on, and decide how you will deal with it. The responsibility is yours. Each one of you has a choice to make at this time. Do you go with the DARK or do you choose the LIGHT? There can be no standing in the wings. It is a big decision. The dark or the light, this is the biggest decision you will ever be asked to make, so it is important to get it right.

The Dark Ones are losing the battle. This is obvious, even to the most skeptical of you. The personal battle within your soul is what you must first deal with. Remember, the easiest way out is usually the hardest in the long run.

Time is of the essence. Decision time is upon you. Be aware that every conceivable enticement will be placed before you in order to hold you in the dark. Those within the Cabal are past masters of this technique. It is how they gained control in the first place. Will people be foolish enough to fall for their lies a second time?

When there is love in your hearts, you will see the light and you will follow it.

My dear, tough decisions are being made. These are necessary, as only those with real commitment can remain. We are with you, every step of the way, ensuring that you are supported on this difficult path.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Rebloged from Galactic Channelings

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