sexta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2013


Aisha North
September 27, 2013

The manuscript of survival – part 359

You have come a long way dear ones, and already, you have put an indelible mark on this beautiful planet of yours. You have made a huge difference, and you will continue to do so, for you are not only the wayshowers, you are also the bringers of light in every aspect. We know that this will not be news to any of you, but it bears repeating, as you have mayhaps lost a little track of all of this in the midst of all of the personal challenges so many of you have been facing lately. For you are nothing short of Masters, as we have already told you, and what you help to bring in, is nothing short of miraculous. And already, the traces of light are starting to become more and more apparent on all sides. It is as if you have changed the tune completely, and even if that tune still is falling on many deaf ears, others are already picking it up and humming along to it. Can you not hear it? And can you not feel it in your very, somewhat weary, bones?

We know that to many, this will be of little consequence at the moment, for they might be staring at their own and seemingly unscalable personal wall in front of them, but please believe us when we say that you are all pushing forwards and upwards at all times now. For some, the walls have started to fall away, or may even be completely removed, while for others, the urge to slip back and let go seems to be a more tempting one than to keep scaling what looks like high cliff soaring up forever. You might be more than tired at times, but still, you have an untapped reservoar wtihin that is there at your disposal 24/7, and that will never let you down. Even when you feel you are letting yourself down. For you are not, and you will never be, for what you have done already, both on a personal level, but even more so on a collective one, is such a monumental effort, the traces of it will be clear for everyone to see long after you have left this physical incarnation. For you are pushing this change ever forward with every breath you take, and it is coming out of the shadows of doubt in so many ways now. Not only for you, but also for all of those who did not even know there existed such a thing as an alternate reality to the one they have been living and breathing seemingly forever. And it is you and only you who have made this new reality a reality, and you will continue to make it even more so in the time ahead.

So again we say take a deep breath, and take time to look around you, for you are no longer held back by the conventions of the old, and as such, you are free now to start to make you own personal mark on this new reality, the one that is bearing your name, and the one that has been created by your very sweat, blood and commitment. So again we thank you and ask you to be good to yourselves, as you need to see all that you have accomplished, and not focus on the things you seem to have missed so far. For if you do, it can make it that much more difficult for you to stand tall and garner strength from all of the successes you already have under your belt. To you, they might not seem to amount to much, but to us, it makes all the difference.  For you have turned your world around already, and even if the momentum of this change has yet to be fully registered everywhere, it is unstoppable in every way. So again we say thank you on behalf of All of creation, and we commend you on a job well done. We know you will continue to impress us in so many ways, and we do hope you will be able to impress yourselves too by letting yourselves fully acknowledge the miracle you are taking part in.

Channel: Aisha North

Rebloged from the website Aisha North

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