segunda-feira, 2 de setembro de 2013

ToolBox – Ascended Master St. Germain and his Shield of Protection

Marc Gamma

Beloved Humans here on Earth, this is I, the Ascended Master of St. Germain. It is a pleasure speaking to you through this channel for the first time and I am pleased too to submit herewith my very part to the newly created “Toolbox”. This is some valuable contribution and will supplement all tools already delivered.

In some introductory talk before my channel started writing everything down I explained to him preferences and laughters of us all from our side.

I explained that the violet Flame may be applied for most various purposes, which among others may entail purgation, transformation but protection also.

Especially it is the protection which does not compete to that of my brother Archangel Michael. On the contrary these our both tools are supplements to each other. However, here I shall focus only on its special protective ability. Those other of Purgation and Transformation I shall leave here for some later time of Now or some other chapter to come.

I shall proceed likewise as done by my brother in a listed mode already known to you since doing so we may follow some alike pattern and thus it may be easier for you when trying to remember the annexed procedure. In the following you may find my explanations hereunder:
  • Call upon me and My Violet Flame, e.g.:“I ask you, please, St. Germain that you come to me with your Violet Flame!”
I’d rather·have the Flame than the ray. But if you prefer the ray you may call upon it also since it will display the same effect.

Now it is time to give your order to the Violet Flame. I shall give some examples here how this may be done for your protection:
  • “Violet Flame, protect me please against all negative energies and emotions reaching out to me and achieve that these are all transformed into light!”
  • “Violet Flame, I herewith give you my order to safeguard this location/space against all energies and emotions of the negative sort so that all here may live in peace and harmony!”        
  • “Violet Flame, I herewith order you to safeguard this object against all negative energies and emotions and requesting you to transform all those energies of the negative kind to be transformed to their contrary.

Now it should be clear how you may establish your protection with the help of the items listed above. Draw up your very own combination of protection and also ponder about your procedure and my Violet Flame will be of obedience to you.

I shall be always at your side and assist you at this procedure as well as possible. This I promise you. I do hope you will be pleased with my Violet Flame and the protection of it. I shall return again and deepen your knowledge about the purging and transforming power/function of the Violet Flame which I described already a little above.

With great Love for you

yours St.Germain

Read also:

[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
Copyright © Gamma Marc. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

Rebloged from website Soul4Free

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