quarta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2013

Messages & Channelings from Montague Keen - 29/09/2013

Montague Keen
September 29, 2013

Albert Einstein

It is happening, my friends. You are doing a wonderful job of raising the consciousness of so many. Look around you and see the reaction of the Cabal to this. They are using Chem Trails almost non-stop now, in an effort to keep humanity under control. You are seeing one false flag operation after another. They are becoming careless in their efforts to create fear, so that you will willingly give up more of your precious freedoms. Please do not fall for all this propaganda. They will not hesitate to kill as many as necessary in order to create panic and fear. Understand this: THEY FEAR YOU, THE AWAKENED !

You have nothing to hide, but you have everything to gain, by being strong and fearless. You are the 99%, all standing together with the belief in your hearts that you were chosen to bring about the great awakening that will lead to the return of peace, harmony, and the removal of all that has kept you in servitude and darkness. Your day has come. You will learn who you are and what was done to you. Humanity is coming together and no divisions will ever separate you again.

Religions will be exposed for what they truly are: all man-made, and designed only to keep you in fear and control. They have been used to create reasons to fear people who did not belong to the same religion as you. They have been used as reasons for war and misery for so many. This must stop right now. Be the first to speak out and say, "I do not fear anyone because of what he chooses to believe". Only those who use religion to force their will on others should be examined carefully and requested to adjust to the new age of peace.

The change is happening as it is meant to happen and it cannot be stopped. All the money in the world will not prevent it happening. The Cabal has no choice in this matter. A greater mind than theirs has put all this in motion and is watching over it. It will happen. Adjustments are being made to your DNA and consciousness to assist all of you to cope with the many changes you will encounter during the change-over. You are all doing a splendid job by sharing your research and helping others to make the shift on time.

Your human bodies will become stronger and will welcome the removal of all the chemical attacks they have had to endure. When the body has clean air to breathe and good food to eat, life on Earth will become so different. Disease is man-made, designed to keep you down. It will become but a memory of the dark times. We will have Centres in every country to help you to create a life worth living on planet Earth. Life will become a beautiful experience on an Earth whose real beauty has been hidden from you.

Everything becomes clear when you return to spirit. You watch in horror what is being done to countless innocent human beings in an effort to create a New World Order in which mankind is but a servant, who exists only to obey the whims of the Cabal. This had to be brought to an end as it could never be allowed to happen. Earth is part of the universe and cannot be taken over by the Cabal as it does not belong to them.

Without your assistance they are useless. You have the power to stop the slaughter and to bring peace to your world. Are you up to the job that is asked of you? For this is your mission on Earth. You agreed to this before you returned to Earth. We in spirit are watching every move, every thought, and every word, that is uttered by the Cabal. We know their plans, so we advise you. For those with special missions, the time has come to implement those missions without question. You know in your hearts who you are, and what is expected of you. You are the creators of the New Age of Enlightment. It does not matter in which country you reside. Coming together in harmony removes all the false barriers that the Cabal has created in order to keep you apart. You have nothing to fear but fear itself.

Veronica, my dear, you were greatly saddened recently when talking with some lovely Irish ladies, who were adamant that the removal of Vatican Rule in Ireland was of great importance to them and to Ireland. You were shocked to discover that although they are removing the outer trappings of the Vatican, they are still locked into the false beliefs of this corrupt institution which were instilled in them through education. They need to understand and come to terms with the fact that the doctrine that has been taught to them is false. For there is no hell, etc. When they make the sign of the cross, they open themselves to lower dimensions. You have to be strong and confident. Love, and love alone, is all you need.

Brain waves are being used on many of you without your knowledge or permission, in an effort to prevent you from becoming active. It is important that you support each other, and assist those who are under attack and unaware of it. They may appear to be overshadowed. They may change, and this change can be observed by those of you who are alert and aware of such happenings. Forget and discard what is said by them when they are overshadowed, as it is not coming from them. It is what the Cabal instructs them to say or do. Always be on guard for this, otherwise you will fall into the trap of believing what is being said by the controllers or a 'walk-in'; whichever label you wish to give it. The Cabal will go to any lengths to try to hold on to control. Pity them, but do not waste your precious energy on anger or revenge. For such a reaction is three dimensional. You, on the other hand, have raised your consciousness to a higher level of being. You are above all that 3D thinking and actions.

As you draw closer to the light, all this will become abundantly clear to you. Then, we on this side of life, will be able to visit with you openly. We will be seen and we will talk with you. All barriers will be removed. Love, and a belief in your own innate ability, will bring this about. Those who are meant to be on the Earth will remain, while those who are not of the Earth will have no choice but to take their leave, for they cannot survive the energy of the light. They face exposure, and to continue to hold a human appearance will not be possible.

Together, you must go forward with love in your hearts, as you welcome your fellow beings of light from all over the world. One big, happy family of light and love. This is your mission. You will achieve your goal. We are always with you.

Veronica, welcome the many changes you are experiencing, as they are all part of the awakening. My love is with you at all times.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

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