quinta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2013


Aisha North
October 03, 2013

The manuscript of survival – part 362

As you have already noticed, the roller coaster is indeed picking up speed, and for many, it will feel like they are being tossed to and from on this unpredictable ride. It may seem very chaotic, but please believe us when we say that even if it might not seem like it to you, everything is under control.

For we see what you do not, and we know what you have yet to be made privy to, and as such, we will always be on hand to keep you updated on the proceedings. We know it can be more than frustrating to be fighting this feeling of being left out in the cold as it were, but again, you are not left out of anything by ill will. Rather, you are in the loop in everything you need to be in the loop about, and the rest is not only out of your control, it is simply under the management of those in charge of overseeing this whole operation.

As we have been telling you on numerous occasions, this operation is an extremely complex one, and it is not given to every participant to be in the know of everything that is going on at the same time. This is not a sign of distrust or even of dismissal, it is simply a security measure, put into place in order to make every single part of this huge plan run as smoothly as possible, without any unnecessary interruptions. You see, your part in this is indeed a vital one, and as such, you are being protected as much as possible from anything that might add any strain to your already challenging endeavour. So we want to take this opportunity to once again remind you that you are indeed protected in so many ways, and even if you at times like these might feel more fragile than solid, know that this is indeed not the case. You are becoming increasingly more able to withstand the strain of these vibrational increases that keep ocurring at a more and more rapid rate now, so please try to put your mind at ease even when your body clearly is not. For you are made of strong stuff, dear ones, and stronger it will become, even for those of you harbouring suspicions that you are being left out of it all. For remember, this is not a uniform process, where each and every one of you are being run through the exact same setup in order to advance you both physically and otherwise. No, this is a carefully tailored and very individual process that is taking into consideration every single aspect of every single one of you.

So know that even if you once again feel tossed betweeen some extreme highs and lows, you are showing a rapidly increasing curve on all the charts that detail your progress. We know this will, as usual, be of small consolation to some of you, but again we say we are here to support you every step on this magical journey, and when you feel the need to reach out to find a steadying hand, know that you are surrounded by a multitude of them on every side. Even on the days when you feel alone and bereft of everything that used to be you, you are still immersed in a glow of loving support not only emanating from this gathering of enlightened souls calling themselves the Pond, but also by us and so many like us. For you are the special ones, the magical ones, the ones that are making it all come about, and as such, you will never ever walk alone.

Channel: Aisha North

Rebloged from the website Aisha North

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