domingo, 2 de março de 2014

Cosmic Awareness: MAJOR CHANGES AND SHIFTS ARE COMING, by Rainbow Phoenix

Major Changes and Shifts Are Coming
That which is Cosmic Awareness is available for today’s session. Please proceed.
Thank you, and welcome Awareness. Thank you for being with us this evening for the Rainbow-Phoenix session of March 1, 2014.  The
Interpreter is Will Berlinghof, Joan Mills is questioner and energizer.  The Law of Light, the Law of Love and the Law of Unity have been invoked.
The first question is from LL concerning the banking system changeover. There is an email presently circulating to many concerning the banking system changeover.  This particular email's contents are suspect concerning the validity of what is indeed being offered in the sense that there are several "we hope you will do this or that, etc..." As this email is quite lengthy with ten paragraphs, I would like to read the pertinent information from each paragraph, or if you prefer, to read each paragraph at a time and offer this information to you for your consideration regarding True, False, or offer additional information regarding validity, starting with a brief explanation of who these individuals are. The topic of the email is
"Prepare for Change Team.  The person or persons giving you this brief are part of a worldwide network which is dedicated to a peaceful transition to a transparent financial system for our banking systems worldwide.”  Is this group valid or is this the Powers That Be?  
            That this Awareness does say there is a degree of validity to this group and their purpose, but it must always remembered that those who are in power have their own plans and their own design of what they wish to accomplish, how they wish to collapse the system.  That therefore this Awareness would say that while there is validity in the report that has been put out by this group, there is still need to question, there is still need to be diligent and not to simply go into panic because a group has come forward with such ideals as transparency in banking. This of course is wished for, this of course is that which is possible, but as those who are in power still have a large degree of control, one must always be careful in simply believing anything that comes through the internet, through an email or through a group that is putting out such information. Nonetheless, this Awareness will again say there is validity to the reports and that this Awareness will make more detailed comment as the paragraphs are individually reviewed. Please proceed now with an overall presentation of this email and the ten paragraphs, after which this Awareness will delve into each individual paragraph if necessary.
Very good.  So to read the whole thing then right through, then you have the overall picture of what is being said, is that correct?
This is correct. This is a piece that should be put out first and then this Awareness will make comment.
Very good. Thank you.
Ok.  It starts off:
Dear Community Leader:
You have been given this brief so that you may understand what is happening now in regard to the closure of the banking system. We hope you will help maintain the calm and peace of your community during this short period of change. We will also encourage you to support those in positions of responsibility to help maintain the status quo in regard to the vital necessities of your local community. 
We are hoping that food, water, electricity, internet, gasoline, transportation and phone service will not be disrupted during this banking system changeover. Furthermore this community leader brief has been created to help you understand what is transpiring around the world at this time. 
Who do we represent and who is behind this process? 
Our group is comprised of intelligent, aware individuals from all segments of society and we are dedicated to non-violent change. We have been made aware of what is now transpiring by key individuals in the world’s secret service organizations and military. Top ranking members of the world’s political infrastructure are also supporting these lawful enforcements. These honest patriots in the CIA, NSA, FBI, military, sheriff and police forces have counterparts from around the world involved in a simultaneous sweep of financial criminals. 
To summarize, there are large international multi-jurisdictional task forces who have uncovered large-scale corruption in the financial and political arenas and are now taking lawful actions to end this criminal behavior. Certain leaders of regional and national law enforcement agencies and police forces are aware of what is now taking place as well. We anticipate military presence to be deployed in the cities to help maintain the peace. We are anticipating broadcasts over the emergency broadcast network to explain the situation very soon if they have not begun by the time you have received this document. 
What is happening and why are the banks closed? 
What is happening at this time is a necessary financial reset of the global central banking system. Unfortunately this must necessitate the closing of every computer tied into the central banks. This will leave the entire planet without access to cash, ATM  machines, credit cards or stock markets. 
There will be no currency available other than what is already in circulation for a maximum time of possibly 2 weeks. The intent and plans of these lawful agencies in charge are hoping for a best-case scenario of 3-5 days for the banking system to be offline. However, with so many variables at play, the exact time it will take to effect this changeover in reality is unknown at this time. This lack of money amongst the world’s populace clearly may create some hardships in various locations as some may panic for not being able to access their money via the normal channels. 
Your vital role in this process 
This is where our contact with you and your leadership is vital to maintain an open and honest and transparent communication network with those in your community and those fellow community leaders who will maybe not know what is happening or be able to receive this brief in a timely manner. One of the most important actions we will ask you to perform is the monitoring of the local police forces that are not aware of this event and what is transpiring. They may see the people’s confusion and mistake this natural reaction as hostile or potentially violent.  We ask that above all, these forces remain vigilant, pro-active and refrain from violence. 
Important suggestions to maintain peace for a harmonious change 
We ask that food and water banks and local community groups be encouraged to begin to serve the populace if these bank closures result in disruptions to any of the following for too long: transportation, food, water, electrical grid, cell phone towers, internet, television, emergency services, hospitals and any other vital network that may be affected. 
How did we know this is happening now?  
Our group has been contacted and we have been asked to act as an informational network and infrastructure to support you in your appointed tasks whatever they may be. If you are a mayor or a water district manager or the communities’ liaison to the power companies, we hope you will see to it that your responsibilities and services remain uninterrupted during the time while the banks are closed. We further ask that you provide a means to get these necessities to those that require them via your local communities’ infrastructure such as soup kitchens on school grounds or distribution of water for those in need. We ask that hospitals and emergency services be given priority and support to protect the aged and infirm. 
Why is this happening? 
Unfortunately there have been criminal malfeasance within the world banking systems including the Federal Reserve for many years. These individuals in charge have corrupted many aspects of the world’s political infrastructure and greed and lust for power has thwarted the democratic process and caused much harm to our world’s eco-systems and societal and national relations. 
Evidence to be presented to the public 
Evidence is being held which indicates a system of financial fraud and corruption, which has resulted in the institutionalized theft of trillions of the world’s hard earned money. This is now ending as the evidence and the serving of indictments and arrests of those responsible has now begun. These individuals involved in this conspiracy are very powerful and politically connected criminals. They have been repeatedly warned to follow the laws of their respective countries but some of them have refused. 
Time to act 
This refusal to comply to the law has now forced closure of the central banks which is now affecting the entire world banking systems. This radical action is required to enforce the law and is now being implemented by a coordinated police force action around the globe. The reason this has not been done by alerting the populace beforehand is because the criminals in charge control the world media and have established censors worldwide. A policeman does not tell a criminal he is going to be arrested or he will flee. 
Powerful leaders will fall 
This banking racketeering operation has included some very powerful public figures which when the dust settles will most likely shock many people. This is not a military coup or anything negative. In fact we feel this will allow for a more honest system of governance, which will find worldwide support as the truth is revealed to the public in the weeks to come. 
Your right to question the truth of this brief is noted 
We understand you may not be aware or agree to this information that is being presented here but we ask you to consider that this brief was created on September 29th, 2013. This should help to act as evidence to what is now taking place was known by us who created this document beforehand. We further want to reiterate that this is not a military coup and there is no reason for panic and fear. Whether you believe us or not as to the nature of this worldwide event, we ask that you do your best to facilitate calm and peace within your communities as efficiently as possible. 
In conclusion 
We ask that you keep an open mind to this document and know we are supporting you in your position of responsibility and power as a leader of your community. Please know that this transition is intended to be for a short period of time only. You will be asked to think locally and to not wait for federal instructions as certain communication channels may be disrupted. 
Please study this document and if possible talk candidly to the persons who brought this brief to your attention.  They may have some very good wisdom to clarify what is happening and will share ideas that may benefit you and your community. 
We also have a website where you may access links to articles and evidence that what we are saying has been in process for quite some time. We will encourage you to educate yourself via these links. If the internet network remains open during the time of the closing of the banks, these links will help you understand more. If the internet is down, we ask you to interface with those who bought you this document. 
Respectfully submitted, 
By Prepare For Change team.  The website is  And there are one, two, three other links.
And there is an additional question but let’s go with the first part first.

 That indeed this Awareness is prepared to make comment on the letter that has been read by the Energizer.
 That it is so, there are indeed longstanding plans that this Awareness has alluded to many times in the past. Plans by the Powers That Be in order to collapse the world economic situation and thus set up for themselves that which will be the New World Order banking system, the one bank system. That this agency, this group of individuals is sincere, and do wish to share certain information of the long-standing plans by the Powers That Be so that individuals and groups can prepare themselves. 
 But this Awareness must add a note of caution here. For as has often been the case in the past, when such claims go out that this or that event is about to happen, that many times in the past these events did not happen and many anticipated the events happening only to be disappointed and disenchanted yet again. Many know there are those corrupt ones that are in charge at all levels including the economic level, the social/political/ military levels and many know that great change is indeed coming forward.
 This document is that which ties into the expectation towards change that many have, and indeed taken on its own, although it may have frightening ramification, does provide to those many who have so long been waiting the opportunity they have been waiting for, the opportunity for great change to occur.  This is indeed part of that which this Awareness would say constitutes several of the major timelines to and into the future.  But what is very important to remember always, is that while these events are external and anticipated, while many are waiting to see if anything happens, very few are taking the measures to put themselves into a good situation where they are prepared for events that could occur. 
    This organization does ask ones to become not only aware but to prepare themselves in the eventuality that the world banking system will shut down for a period of time and that they be prepared for this. This Awareness would support this, would say indeed that for those who can prepare yourselves: have extra cash on hand, some extra supplies for approximately two weeks. 
    That this will ensure that if it is so and that the banks do close, that first one will not necessarily be stressed and strained because they were unprepared, that there will be a degree of preparedness there that will see them through. But more importantly, that one needs to have this degree of preparation not only now with this event coming forward but generally as that which is already in existence so that if anything did occur now or later, that the individual will be prepared, and will be able to go through whatever is occurring. 
    In this instance the claim is that the banking systems will be shut down and replaced by those who wish more transparency, who are there to serve humanity and not the elites. That this is one timeline of that which is possible and available. Another timeline is that the Powers That Be do the same, create the situation, shut down the banks, create economic chaos so that they can then come forward as the salvation, that they can come forward as the saviors, and create the new worldwide New World Order banking system. It is important to realize that you, the individual, has a choice. 
    This Awareness has so often spoken of the individual being the creator being and yet this is a concept that is very hard indeed for individuals to assimilate and believe in. It is simply so because never before has it been required that one needs to take such a high degree of responsibility.  But it must be remembered that which is now underway, that which is the shift in consciousness, is a radical alteration of what has been so that which will be, can come into play. To achieve this end, chaos must be experienced as the systems that are known and accepted and supported collapse.  
    The economic system is one such system that needs to collapse, where the corrupt ones, the criminals are taken out of their positions of authority and power and a legitimate and transparent banking system/economic situation can be brought into effect.
For this to happen indeed there must be an ending to the old, a collapse, a shut down. This is indeed what this group is speaking of and they are speaking as if this were about to happen any day. In this matter there is some caution from this Awareness as to the promptness of this event happening in the next few days. 

    This Awareness can say it is foreseen that indeed the corrupt banking systems will be shut down and replaced. It is seen there will be a period of chaos and upheaval as this occurs and that many may panic. It is why again this Awareness says: “do not submit to fear and panic.”  Hold that this is the change, the shift that has long been awaited and anticipated, and that all will resolve itself. That those who have had an awareness and have been involved behind the scenes to create a new plan of transparency and fairness will win through, and those who have so long been in charge, those who have plans for world domination on all levels, will fail.  It needs to be seen, it needs to be gone through and it is for this reason this Awareness says to one and all, that there are indeed such plans afoot and if and when these plans go down, that if those who are experiencing the chaos would choose not to go into chaos, would stand back, would be observers, that this would better serve one and one's family. To go to the panic, the fear, the chaos will be detrimental to individuals and they might indeed throw over their power to ones who are the corrupt ones, simply because they cannot believe that the corrupt ones are the criminals responsible in the first place for the state of affairs, and that those who may have come forward to shift the balance and to create a new transparent, fair system are not the enemy. 
    In this matter what is of prime importance is not when this event will occur but that it is indeed part of the overall plan of shift in consciousness, the shift in the status quo and the status systems that now exist.  And that for this to occur and when this does occur, that there will be an attending chaotic period. But that one does not worry or fear this, simply resolves to get through this. It is for this reason that a degree of preparation as recommended by this Awareness, is again the recommendation here. Be prepared to the degree necessary to be able to withstand a two week period of time where things have closed or are not available. You will survive this. It will pass, but to panic and to go into fear reactions will make the situation far more difficult for each individual and their loved ones. Better to stand aside, be the observer, trust that there are greater forces at play here than even this group has admitted to and these forces that are also involved are seeking to bring a new situation forward and that given a small period of time, they may indeed accomplish this, if one stays calm and not in fear. 
    As to the actual date, it has been suggested that this event will occur within the next few days. This Awareness does not entirely support this. For often it is leaked that something is about to happen. That this often creates a panic-like situation for many who read this information, or creates a situation where individuals go out and proclaim this as which will happen, only to experience a non-event where nothing happens. Many are the light workers, many are those protagonist for world change that have been caught out by such proclamations in the past, where events are forecast and yet do not occur. 
    Therefore an open attitude is required and if one is somewhat prepared for eventualities whatever they may be, if one has extra food and supplies and is willing to go without cash or credit for two weeks, having some cash to hand, some reserve to hand, and if one has this, one will find it easier to maintain one's calmness and be at ease, relaxed. For it is important to be relaxed, to be calm, to have faith and trust, that this is that which will pass. It is not the last play, it is but one play that is ready to occur as the shift occurs in human consciousness.
    This Awareness reminds all that this is not simply a power play by the Powers That Be but is that which is the universal plan that the Divine holds, that Spirit holds.  That it has many players, if you will, playing their roles, playing their parts. This includes not only those who are coming forward to give warning but also those who are the manipulators and controllers, for that which is ready to occur is nothing less than the evolution of human consciousness, moving it into higher realms, that have never been known or experienced. To do so one must let go of that which has held one back, which has held the collective consciousness of humanity back.  This is not an easy matter and many will interpret the collapse as that which is evil, that which is painful and destructive.  But it is simply that which needs to occur so that which has been in place, that which has ensnared and entrapped for so long can be destroyed and new freedom and a new future can be found, can be stepped into.
    Therefore in this matter this Awareness does support that such change is ready to occur. It may not occur exactly when predicted but it is part of the overwhelming changes that are coming.  And that rather than be fearful of these changes, one simply stays neutral, becomes the observer, holds the attitude and belief that this too shall pass, that all will work out, that this will not lead to deeper control of the Powers That Be but rather their demise and removal and that you hold this, and observe this, and be neutral to this. 
    Ultimately this is the time of profound change, that the changes are ready to truly ensue and that these changes may start with this event, but there are many other collapses that need to occur still, many other shifts that are coming. Know that the period of time that is now being faced, this time of 2014 into the year 2015, will hold many events of great importance in the shifting of consciousness. This is but one. Be aware, be prepared, be neutral, be of faith. That this too shall pass and that you will emerge on the other side, on that path of the future that awaits all, that awaits you. 
    This Awareness is complete with Its general commentary. It is open to any specific questions or comments the Energizer would put forward now.

Very good. I have a “if not mentioned’’ part.  Is there any indication of what the Powers That Be are really planning for us financially and when?  That was basically touched on, but is there additional information?
And then, for instance: will an ethical banking system ever be implemented in March or April 2014, or anytime soon on Planet AB, and also what is likely to be the common currency worldwide?  How will this be available to humanity, and which country will control it?

    This Awareness would start by stating that one is not to look forward to a one world currency, for this is the plan of the New World Order group, those who would wish to control the one world currency.  That which has not been perceived or understood is that the local solutions are those that will be most effective in the times ahead. By local solution, this Awareness is indeed stating that to come together locally would be the most resonant and robust solution, rather than giving over control to a one world bank that presents a one country currency, be it the American greenback, the Deutsche mark, the English pound or the Japanese yen.  That this Awareness would say here that when one is available to that which is local, one is in a much stronger situation and that it has been a long standing plan of the Powers That Be to take the majority away from local survival and local support in favor of systems that would bring in fruit and vegetable and meats from other places, even across the nation from one side bringing the food all to the other side, all of this is easily controlled and manipulated. It is one of the reasons that the California growing areas have been attacked, have been hit with the drought situations which are artificially being created to create a drought in California, which seriously is affecting the growing of produce in that area, produce that is shipped out all over the land and even north into Canada, even some into Mexico.
    That this type of system that has been created over the years is that which is assumed now to be normal, and yet what occurs when there is collapse is that the food that is produced in these areas cannot be distributed elsewhere and many are in trouble at that point because of this situation. If the local systems, the local agricultural situations were such that food was available through local markets and if individuals again began to grow their own gardens or have community gardens, there would not be such a reliance on food that is produced elsewhere. 
    That this is part of that which is seen as a future for many but at this time, as the system now exists, that if it does collapse because of the situation of manipulation, that one is not to panic. That this Awareness has already expressed the need to have some reserves, food reserves and supplies to hand. This is common sense. This last winter has shown how fragile the situation can be if one is not able to even venture outdoors to the local supermarket to buy supplies. Thus it is always a wise action to prepare oneself to a degree but not to become obsessive about it, not to become fanatical about it, but simply to be prepared.
    This involves an economic preparation as well and for those who can hold certain monies at home or assets that can be exchanged, holding them at home, that this will create some measure of preparedness and some measure of availability of funds to be used to purchase supplies locally, but this is only a measure that this Awareness will say is short-term. Many are of an opinion that such a calamity will occur, that only those who have survival supplies and shelters, etc. will survive. 
    This Awareness would ask: “is this the reality one wishes to endorse and create for oneself?” It may be a reality that many feel is that which will occur but this Awareness does not support this as the ultimate timeline for those who are interested in moving forward and creating a new world, planet AB. For those who wish to carry on in the old energies, such tactics may be recommended, for they wish to continue in such a world where there is struggle, where there is hardship, where there is imbalance. But for those who do not have this wish or desire, that this Awareness again says: “Be aware that you are the creator being of your life, you are one who is of Spirit, you are one who can connect to Spirit.  And while on a practical level one can prepare for situations, one does not need necessarily to believe this will be a permanent situation, for this Awareness sees this only as that period of time where profound changes will take place that will be challenging, will lead to chaos but which will be passed through, gone through and the other side will be found.  
    At this time the collapse of the economic markets, the banking systems, is an energy that has high priority and that is indeed a plan that has been initiated now. The warning has validity but do not simply believe it fully and completely. Hold it to be that which is indicative of the changes that are coming at some point.  If one feels the need to be prepared in this next short while, this is not a bad situation or decision, but do not become obsessed by it. As this Awareness has said several times today already, always be prepared.  This  makes sense in the common sense that to be prepared is not nonsense, but common sense. But do not take this the next step further, do not go into panic and fear. Know that being prepared will give you a greater sense of security and perhaps would help you not panic as much.  
    But ultimately these changes, these profound changes, are necessary to move human spirit forward, to help human collective consciousness to evolve, and there must be some readiness and acceptance that this will be so but it does not need to affect you, the individual, to the degree it might if you were not aware, understanding and prepared. Is this clear?

Yes indeed and that was very, very helpful, very meaningful.  It will be so for many, many people who hear it. Thank you so much Awareness.  Is there any additional on this?

    There is indeed additional on this.  That this Awareness was about to speak of the matter of those are not prepared. That this Awareness has recommended a common sense approach, to be prepared for approximately two weeks in the event that the infrastructure is shut down, that banks are not available, grocery stores not available, electricity not available. That it indeed does make common sense to be somewhat prepared, that if these events did occur that one has food supplies ready, that one has candles and perhaps alternative sources of heating and an alternative source to cook with. All of these of course make good sense, are common sense, but what of those who make no such preparations, what of those who do not believe that anything foul will occur?  That this is the area that this Awareness sees the greatest difficulty in and the greatest danger in, for many who are not prepared will panic or will perhaps take matters into their own hands, stealing from others, taking from others.
    This Awareness however is not stating this as the truth and the reality of the situation.  It is simply saying that if one focuses on such a scenario and is afraid that others will come and take from them, that they will put themselves in a situation where they might experience these events. It would be better by far to hold that you will be well, your family will be well, that in this time of change, although there is chaos, that one can stay balanced and secure and that one's life will be a reflection of this.
    This is indeed a time of great challenge to move into an actualized belief system. This actualized belief system being that you are a creator being and that you have some control over that which is occurring and that the way you put your energies and focus will determine the consequences of your experiences. This is crucial to understand and comprehend. 
                  Furthermore those who do not make the preparations recommended by this
Awareness, who believe that they do not need to, will still go through this experience – the question being whether it is with ease and grace or great difficulty and turmoil. That if it were to occur that events took place far quicker than you believe they would and if you find yourself in situations, understand that you are not to give in to panic but rather to work from a stable place of trust and belief that this is the opportunity that has long been awaited and that even though there may be difficulties, even though you may be challenged, you will survive these occurrences, these upheavals.  That you will come through it, that all will work out. It may even become a time when neighbors discover neighbors, where communities come together that have long been dysfunctional and disorganized.  That the human spirit is such that when there is disaster and catastrophe, the natural inclination is to come together and help one another. 
    This too is that which this Awareness presents here as a strong possibility of those and for those who hold a higher truth as their truth, a higher reality that they are seeking to manifest. Know that while there may be challenge, it is how the individual responds and reacts that determines the type of experience one has. If one anticipates great hardship, difficulty and danger, and sees society as a reflection of this, sees that there will be many that steal and take and kill for themselves and their loved ones, and if this is your belief that this is what reality is, this is what society is all about, do not be surprised if you experience this as your reality. 
    Equally, to hold at this time of challenge will be the type of opportunity that brings people together, that one is out to assist others, and not simply worry about oneself, that this will bring forth a greater vision and a greater experience. That even though one may be prepared themselves, they must also be prepared to help others, and in the helping of others they will receive support and help back. This is why at this time even though many are fearful of the collapse of society and of the world, that this collapse can in actuality bring forth the best of people, the best of humanity and present the new order, not that which is claimed by the power that are, the Powers That Be, but rather that Of spirit Itself, of the bright new reality that awaits, that which this Awareness has called the planet AB scenario of balance and harmony. It is there, seen strongly by this Awareness. Many are the timelines, many are the roads that lead to such a bright future, but there are most certainly many other roads that will lead elsewhere, that will lead into the darkness of the Powers That Be, of the planet B scenarios. 
    It is extremely important during these times of great challenge and collapse not to collapse yourself, not to believe the worst, not to look outside of oneself as that which defines one's reality, but to look within, to find the inner connection and to hold strong that this too shall pass, this period of chaos and collapse and that all is moving forward. Trust that Spirit walks with you, and more importantly, that you walk with Spirit, for you are the Spirit of the Divine manifesting Itself in the physical.  Do not be misled by the hallucination of reality that many hold at this time. Understand a new reality is forming, the reality of Spirit and spiritual union with that which is human consciousness. It is indeed the time for great steps to be taken, an evolutionary quantum leap to be made, but each individual must determine and decide for themselves how they will achieve this, what they will believe in, what they will energize and endorse. 
    It therefore is coming now the time of decision, the time of realization, or not.  That those who simply do not wish to see these truths and understand these matters may well need the experiences that are forthcoming.  But you have choice, each individual has choice.  One can prepare but ultimately one must submit to an order of force, of consciousness much greater than the individual, but you, the individual, are part of that greater force, that greater consciousness. You, the individual, are being called upon not simply to suffer and endure and accept the hardships and the enslavement that has so long been prevalent and is slated to increase by certain ones. 
    It is your right to awaken.  It is your right to declare that you will not participate in such a reality, that you will not go with these ones who have controlled and manipulated for eons, that you are ready to move forward into the higher spiritual understanding and awareness that is there within you and is available for one and all and is the Light at the end of the dark tunnel that beckons.  
    It is a time of great change.  March of 2014 will see certain events such as the banking crisis that will arise, such as crisis in countries such as the Ukraine or Iran or indeed Bangkok in Thailand and other nations, including the United States of America, where it is seen that there is a building force of rebellion that is underway. But these are all simply expressions of a collapsing system.  One can observe, one can note what is occurring, one can even feel emotionally toward those events and those occurrences but one must never simply give up and give in to the corruption and the control and the power of those who have held power for so long. 
    It is the time indeed to decide this is not your reality, this is no longer that which you wish to endorse. It is time now to make the choices.  It is time now to go through those events that are ready to unfold over the next several months and to hold that this too shall pass, to hold that you are of Spirit and do choose to experience the new realities of Spirit. 
    This is there for you now, the challenge unfolding for you now. What you, the individual, does about it is paramount to you, the individual, and your experiences of the reality of your lives, whatever those realities may be.  You have choice, you have strength, you have spirit, for you are Spirit. It is now time to realize that the changes so long awaited have been unfolding now for some time, but are ready to truly emerge in a much more obvious manner and way. Do not panic, do not go in fear, hold that Spirit walks with you and that you walk with Spirit.  Hold your heart open in trust, in faith, and in love that all will be well and all is simply unfolding as it needs to at this time, so that all can move forward now finally into the bright future that awaits. 
                  That this Awareness is complete. 

Thank you Awareness. That was wonderful.  We recognize that there will be challenges and we just have to step up to the plate. Thank you.  

                  That this Awareness is complete for today.

Thank you, Awareness. It was excellent.  The Law of Gratitude is offered. Thank you.

Rebloged from the website Rainbow Phoenix

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