quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2011


A Spiritual Friend,
Harvre,1862-  The Gospel –
Explained by the Spiritist Doctrine,
Chapter IX, Allan Kardec

"Suffering is often a blessing. When you suffer, don’t let yourself become discouraged; rather, be accepting of the Divine Will, which, through the pain of this world, prepares the way for your glory in the greater life.

You must nurture patience, because it may also be an expression of love and compassion, as taught by Christ. There are many different ways of expressing compassion – giving money to the poor, for example, is one of easiest ways. There’s one kind of compassion, though, that is much harder to exercise and consequently offers a greater merit – to forgive those people who cause your suffering and strain your patience.

We’re well aware of how difficult life can be. It is composed of so many little difficulties that seem like pinpricks but that, repeated often enough, end up hurting badly. Still, if you look carefully at the duties you’ve been called to fulfill and at the resources and support you’ve received, you have to admit that the number of blessings is far greater than the number of pains. Raise up your eyes to the sky, then, with abundant hope. If you do, your burdens will seem much lighter than when you walk disheartened, with downcast eyes.

Courage, friends! Christ is your model. He suffered far more than any of you, although He had nothing of which to purify Himself, unlike those of you who have to make up for your past and so strengthen yourselves for the future. Be patient; be Christian! This last word summarizes everything."

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