needs to be aided in her efforts to preserve her many ecological life zones. At
some point, the surface of your planet is to require a very massive make over.
We have used our efforts to do what is, in essence, your job to preserve this
global environment. Ever since your western European business models became the
norm, your world’s surface has suffered. Where once there was immense
forestland, you now see vast destruction of traditional habitat. We are not
advocating a continuance on your world of certain primitive realities. What we
wish is for you to use a number of advanced technologies to preserve and expand
habitats. We intend to introduce devices that further increase the technology
you already possess. What you now lack is the full commitment to do so. New
governance can change this important element and allow you as a people to
succeed with rapid ecological damage control. These series of actions can
quickly renew the vital relationships between your global societies and Mother
Earth. More importantly, this can teach you how truly valuable such unselfish
acts are!
is happening to you is a seemingly slow, but in reality, is a swift march to
full consciousness. Heaven is determined that you evolve back into galactic
humans. Hence, Heaven decreed to our spiritual councils that we send our fleets
to monitor you daily. Over each succeeding decade, we have gotten more deeply
involved with the process to shift this society of humans from the darkness of
the past 13 millennia to the awesomeness of the Light. This process has
proceeded among you more slowly than we wanted. Yet, our purpose remains to be
the true representatives of Heaven’s mission on this world. At first, those
involved with this heavenly transformation were somewhat leery of our constant
presence. It has taken over a decade to resolve these worries fully. Our
diplomatic corps as well encountered a stone walling from your governments.
However, all has changed for the better in the past few years. With our help,
those representing the Light have won a number of very vital court decisions.
In addition, our technologies have prevented the dark from stealing a great
deal of the Light’s precious assets.
events forged a true alliance between our now earthly allies and brought panic
to the cabal. Both sides now permit us to have true exchanges with them. These
meetings helped us to develop a real set of strategies with our earthly allies.
Similarly, the cabal’s representatives are beginning to see us in a newer
light. We are Heaven’s galactic option. Many of the events to be staged to crush
their opposition are currently seen as impossible and were recently abandoned.
What is left is a charade that goes on daily between governments, the press and
the Internet’s slew of rumors. This is to continue until the present system is
either victorious or else defeated by the Light. We are here to ensure Heaven’s
grand victory. Your time in the dark is indeed coming to a most glorious end!
Many events that signal an end to this awful reality are beginning to manifest.
It is our task to finish these preliminaries, then land, and with great joy
meet you. At that time, our mentors can take you toward the wonders of full
We are your Ascended Masters! We arrive with great blessings! Our earthly associates are busily
testing and preparing to approve a system for carrying out the delivery of your
prosperity funds. There are as well a number of groups that are preparing to
manifest the U.S. NESARA legislation. The U.S. Supreme Court initially
sequestered this legislation at the turn of this millennium. The time arrives
to take this extraordinary document public. Various individuals are finishing
plans that are to bring these documents out of the surreptitious protection
they have long enjoyed. When this happens shortly, it is to mark the return of
your true republic, and the need to dearly protect it. As Masters, we deeply
bless this and know that this great change is to be a peaceful one. This
transformation of rule is to be the start of a greater alteration, which is to
signal the end of cabal rule. You are to be introduced to clean and transparent
remember that all of this is a divine blessing. We thank those of courage and
of magnificent abilities who made all of this possible. We thank as well each
of you who have long held this vision and permitted your great energies to be
added to all that we do. This work has taken a number of millennia to
accomplish. Now it is you and your prodigy who are to gladly taste this most
delicious fruit. Be ever grateful to Heaven and ready to praise all who have
come from afar to aid you in this cause. We are watching each of you grow in
consciousness. And gracefully use your new abilities to help these most arduous
proceedings to succeed. You are now to watch as many that you did not know,
rise and in unison help Gaia and this “global village” you reside in, to alter
and produce a new reality. It is this reality, which is to welcome your greater
wondrous spiritual energies are there to alter this reality and ready you for your
crystal Light chambers. This special living Light is to give you back what the
Atlanteans took from you. You are to expand this large band of Masters and
complete the work began long ago in ancient Lemuria. You are to see the rebirth
of this solar star nation and to use your powers to greatly increase the
meditations and prayers that we perform daily to help the Earth and her sister
worlds. Our Sun contains a mighty Spirit, which welcomes you in joy to this new
realm. The darkness served a purpose. You are to use its acquired wisdom, much
as we have, to transmit the power of the Light everywhere. We are to supervise
and guide you on your next journeys. There is much that Heaven desires to give
you instruction on. As ones in divine service, we await gladly what Heaven so
desires. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!
we continued our message! This world is changing. As it does, it brings you
ever closer to the glorious realm that you have long awaited! Your patience and
your frustration are hereby acknowledged. We simply request that you thoroughly
enjoy the wonders that are to appear! Know, dear Ones, that the countless
Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It!
Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Website: Planetary Activation Organization
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