quinta-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2011


By the Spirit Emmanuel, psicographed by
the Médium Francisco Cândido Xavier.
From the Book: Caminho Verdade e Vida

"You have faith? Is it in yourself, in front of God."- Paul. (ROMANO, chapter 14, verse 22.)

In the mechanism of daily achievement, not is possible to forget the creature the expression of confidence in itself and that must remain in the sphere of obligations that must meet in face of God.

Those who live in the sure of the divine promises are those who keep the faith in the relative power on to them, and increasing it by the effort, continuing the final building, with a view to eternity.

Those, however, remain downcast about their chances, hoping to human promises, give the idea of pieces of cork, non-self purpose, on the taste of water, without script and without anchorage.

Of course, nobody can live on Earth without relying on someone at his closest circle, but, the affection, the family friend, the heat of dedications on high can not exclude the confidence in itself, in front the Creator.

In the sphere of each creature, God can everything, does not, however, cooperation, willingness and confidence in the child to perform.

A father to do, mechanically, the best part of their descendants, exterminate in each, the brightest faculty.

Why do you keep undecided, if the Lord has given you this or that fair job?

Do it right, because if God has confidence in you to something, you must trust yourself in front of him.


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