quarta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2013

Messages & Channelings from MATTHEW WARD - September 30, 2013

Matthew Ward
September 30, 2013

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. It is true that the prevailing vibrations were favorable for reasoned discussions to calm the situation in Syria, but it was equally the power of countless prayers that led to the easing of tenseness. Prayer isn’t what is commonly thought, thanking or asking God—by whatever name you call the Supreme Being of this universe—for something or other. Like everything else in the cosmos, prayer is energy, the energy of your every single thought and feeling lifelong. Many millions were directing a profusion of energy toward negotiations, and the universe responded in kind.

Our last message about Syria evoked an unusually large number of emails and several contained questions or comments that we want to address. We begin with a United States citizen’s opinion, which is shared by many others who live in countries where any of the following conditions exist:

I believe real chemical warfare is going on in our own country with our medical system, where they push toxic prescriptions on everyone, rather than natural alternatives. Our food has become toxic, our air is polluted through chemtrails, the water has fluoride, and they are fracking, which ruins the water table. It is going on in our own country under the guise of profits and depleting the population with false propaganda.

It is lamentable but true that many practices and products that are injurious to you and your homeland planet still are there in abundance. Visualizing Earth within golden-white light and focusing your thoughts and feelings on that purity is prayer—you know the power of prayer! Actions such as signing petitions, donating to organizations working toward the ends you want, or actively participating in those efforts supports your intention to help create the world of your vision.

Are the Illuminati behind the massacre of the Syrian people?

While it is so that for two centuries or so Illuminati agents have initiated uprisings in numerous countries specifically to start a civil war, the vibratory levels in the energy planes through which Earth has been moving have empowered citizens en masse to rise up against intolerable conditions. And, once a rebellion is underway, there is no need for further Illuminati involvement. One side’s deeply-rooted sense of obligation to avenge what was done to their ancestors or to defend their religious or cultural beliefs is reason enough to fight passionately for what they feel is a vital cause.

In the case of international conflicts, Illuminati have instigated major events to inflame the populace, and the “offended” nation willingly wages war against the proclaimed “offender.” Eventually it will become known that one such event was the commonly called “9/11.” The call is to “patriotism,” but always the underlying intent has been to enrich the producers of war machinery and retain or expand Illuminati control.

Is Assad an Illuminati? What about the dictators in African and Latin American countries and North Korea? Were Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin Illuminati?

For various reasons none of them are, or were. In some cases, dictators have been put into position by the Illuminati, but once firmly in power, they don’t need assistance to maintain control over their citizens. The Illuminati require the energy of fear to keep refueling themselves; tyrannical regimes generate an enormous amount of fear, thereby serving Illuminati needs extremely well without any effort on their part. The high death toll in countries with brutal rulers is aligned with the Illuminati goal to reduce the world’s population, and all wars serve that same purpose.

Because greed, not only ruthlessness, is a motivating force shared by despots and the Illuminati, there is the other side of this coin. In countries with an abundance of natural resources, dictators may cooperate eagerly with the Illuminati owners of multinational corporations that have what the dictators do not—equipment, experienced management and engineering expertise to develop the resources—and both partners profit handsomely in these kinds of arrangements.

If a country’s ruler resists an Illuminati proposal or attempts to oust their stronghold, their agents incite an uprising and install a willing puppet as the country’s new leader. Let us give you an example with current relevance: The animosity between the United States and Iran began 30-some years ago when the Illuminati ousted a resistant leader and installed their brutal puppet, Shah Pahlavi. When the Iranians overthrew him, he was first given asylum in Panama at the order of the US government and later was flown to the States, despite Iran’s request that the Shah be sent back to that country to stand trial for his crimes against the people.

The history of the United States that is marked by self-serving intervention in other nations’ affairs actually is the work of the Illuminati, whose influence in that country began with a few individuals in the nascent government after the colonies won their independence from British rule. The clincher, so to say, came later by means of the Federal Reserve System, the Illuminati’s private banking consortium and its tax collection arm, the Internal Revenue Service, which jointly brought the US economy to its knees quite some years ago. Bribing, blackmailing or threatening members of Congress and other government agencies became commonplace, and so did lobbyists for Illuminati-controlled organizations and corporations.

Did US President Obama threaten Syria with a strike because he’s in collusion with Big Oil?

No. President Obama needed leverage to persuade the Assad regime to stop the use of chemical weapons, but he never wanted the situation to reach “strike” point. Contrary to the publicity about the frosty relationship between him and Vladimir Putin—as one reader wrote, “the new cold war”—behind-the-scenes talks about Syria were underway between US and Russian diplomats well before the highly publicized negotiations started. Neither of the countries’ leaders wants to be militarily involved, neither wants chemical weapons to be available to any group, and both are sensitive to the humanitarian aspect of Syria’s war.

Heart and soul, President Obama is dedicated to the mission that the highest universal council asked him to undertake, to bring unity and peace to your world. We know that many people perceive him considerably differently from what we have told you, and for the benefit of new readers, we offer a very brief recap of happenings.

When the council devised the master plan for Earth’s Golden Age, they expected all the evolved souls who wanted to be major players in the ascension process—an evolutionary undertaking unique in speed and scope in this universe—to hold to their agreements. Some agreed to play “heavy” roles to provide conditions that would enable the majority of people to complete chosen experiencing and wind up third density karma. When those souls’ missions were completed more than a decade ago, they refused to honor the rest of their agreement, to join the light forces. They had become captivated by their power at the peak of the Illuminati network and they continued fomenting unrest and suffering whenever and wherever they could.

Thus, the soul that embodied as Barack Obama inherited seriously unsettling national and global situations that never would have come about if those souls had adhered to their agreements. But they didn’t. Consequently, he stepped into the presidency at the peak of adverse environmental and economic conditions, wars, random violence and stockpiles of lethal weaponry; and throughout his time in office, the Illuminati have fought his endeavors to reverse those situations.

While he has made many decisions under duress, never has he worked in collusion with the Illuminati. It is the opposite—he has been making every effort possible to bring to an end the remnants of their global control. So it is natural that their agents have disseminated lies about Obama and his intentions as part of their counteroffensive to thwart any reforms that are greatly needed in his country and the world. Sending light to President Obama and all of Earth will assist in the speedier accomplishment of beneficial changes that are integral to the uniting of your world in peace and respect for all life.

What is happening to the USA, the country that is supposed to be a model of democracy, freedom and the “American dream”? The poor population keeps growing and there is so much violence. Right after an election, they start talking about who will run the next time, and the government fights within itself instead of dealing with the country’s problems.

What is happening in the United States isn’t unique to that country—it is going on in stages around the globe. You are in the process of balance being restored to Gaia, Earth’s soul, to her planetary body, and to her residents. As we mentioned earlier, your world is about ten years behind the time when situations such as war, gross disparity between the wealthy and the desperate, and haggling governments would have ceased. Absolutely reconciliation of “sides” in all issues where conflict reigns is coming, but at this moment, the vibrations that evoke the “best” and the “worst” of attitudes and behavior still are prevailing.

That is why political extremists are at their zenith in the US government and, sadly, there is a great deal of violence. Some is rooted in intolerance or fear of religious, ethnic, racial and philosophical differences; some is due to the emotional and mental damage sustained by war veterans; and a few individuals are acting under mind control, either by Illuminati programming or the negative influence of omnipresent violent “entertainment.” It is the same elsewhere—witness the recent hostage situation in Nairobi, suicide bombings, random mass shootings, and other seemingly senseless killings and violent outbursts.

Mainstream media make certain that you know about all of those sensational incidents wherever they happen, but they aren’t telling you about the myriad successful accomplishments, from villages on up to global, that are immensely heartwarming and encouraging evidence that reforms are underway. However, the media are giving you snippets of the big picture, so to say, that are the effects of the “best” becoming more prevalent, such as the easing of tensions over Syria. Pope Francis is sincere in his proclamations; the Iranian government’s belligerence is thawing; and the United Nations, rendered virtually impotent by the Illuminati, is starting to make strides in its organizational purpose.

Not all that many years ago the preponderance of energy generated by Earth’s residents was fear-based. Now, the billions of “good” persons—only a few are not—are responding in accordance with their passion to help right wrongs wherever they are. Change rarely starts at the top and filters down, it starts at the bottom and flows upward, and this is happening throughout your world. Emails to my mother let us know that many of you felt heartened by our recent messages wherein we enumerated some of the myriad ways that love-light is bringing about changes for the wellbeing of peoples everywhere.

The “downside,” if you will, is that along with the wondrous effects of that abundance of energy comes impatience for dramatic differences. Our beloved Earth family, you are transforming your world! Even with the ongoing assistance of our universal family, an undertaking of that magnitude can only be achieved incrementally. In Earth’s energy field of potential, all manner of benevolent changes are gaining momentum in accordance with thoughts, feelings and actions increasingly focused in light-filled directions. Your light is opening hearts and minds, helping to heal those who are sorrowing, bringing closer the day when Earth once again is a paradise.

And that brings us to the email from a reader at Ra Kendra Centre in the Philippines, which we include by permission:

The way to dispel darkness is to let the Light through.... LIGHT, LIGHT, LIGHT IN ACTION.
To negotiate from the heart, radiating Light, Love and Peace makes motives transparent and can bring about a meeting of minds for the common good ( this is with direct reference to peace through negotiation to resolve the conflict in Syria).

Peace is not related to war as we understand and express it. PEACE IS A STATE OF BEING EXISTING AS ITSELF WITHIN EVERYONE, although it seems that it is not being given a chance to express itself pervasively somehow. While the varied perspectives and expressions of human tendencies may impulse and express as war, destruction, etc., among some of us, these can be rendered impotent or re-focused as creative good by the strength of the desire for peace in many of us ......PEACE REIGNING IN THE HEARTS OF EVERYONE is our goal, not the stopping of violence and atrocities to others and ourselves, which will surely stop or get transmuted/ transformed when peace prevails.

Let us remember our basics....that all are expressions of Consciousness as Energy; the variation lies in how we relate to it and eventually give it expression.

So, beloveds, as soon as we feel the impulse of our passion for peace being drawn to the direction of outrage and other forms that will fan the conflagration of distortions, let us breathe deeply a few times and redirect our focus into the source of that passion....OUR HEART OF HEARTS WHERE DWELL PEACE, LOVE, WILL TO GOOD. This can bring us to negotiating for peace peacefully instead of fighting for peace.

That said, I thank you all, and as our song goes, LET THERE BE PEACE ON EARTH AND LET IT BEGIN WITH ME....

We honor those souls at the Centre and the countless others who are sending forth love-light. By universal law, the energy of peace within hearts and minds is hastening the day when all souls in your world will live harmoniously with each other and with Nature.

All light beings in this universe are with you, cheering you ever forward and embracing you in unconditional love.

Suzanne Ward
The Matthew Books

Rebloged from website Galactic Channelings 

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